Sunday, October 16, 2011

TVXQ-"Keep your head down" plagiarism

Semalam kwn aku tlh tunjuk aku satu video ni... video ni telah meniru/menciplak lagu TVXQ(DBSK) yg bertajuk 'Keep your head down'... aku terkejut kot mse mula2 tngok video nie.. mak oiii... tarian dia n lagu TVXQ dia tiru sebijik2..geram aku tngok.. apelah.. nk famous pun tiru org, ciplak org punya ..buat sndiri la... bg org respect kita punya kemampuan.. bkn TIRU ORG!!!  diorg ingt bila diorg buat video ni org tak perasan... tp dh ramai peminat Kpop dan aku telah perasan..kantoi sudah.. hbis la diorg lpas ni.. kalu SM(syarikat TVXQ) dpt thu... kne saman la penyanyi tu dan syarikat biskut yg dia promote tu...huhuhu...aku ada perasan beberapa bnda didlm video yg ciplak tuh...

1. diorg tiru TVXQ-'keep your head down' punya lagu
 2.diorg tiru TVXQ-'keep your head down' punya tarian
3. diorg tiru TVXQ-'keep your head down' punya background music video
4. dlm lagu tu..pnyanyi dia asyik ckp 'babi' aje.. ish3...huhuhuhu

Yesterday.. my friend had shown me  a video.. this video was plagiarise from TVXQ's song called 'keep your head down' .. I was shocked when I saw the video (plagiarism video)... why they do this?.. do they use this way to be famous? by plagiarise others song?.. Hey men, wake up?.. now day .. everything you done and then you published the video to the internet.. people will noticed that.. don't do this way to be famous!!.. all Kpop singers they have their own identity.. that why they are famous!!!...  I have noticed few things in that plagiarism video:

1. They copied TVXQ 'Keep your head down' song.
2. They copied TVXQ 'Keep your head down'  dance.
3.They copied TVXQ 'Keep your head down' background music.
4.The singer keep saying 'babi' which mean pig in Malay language..hahahahah

ini la video ciplak yg aku maksudkn tuh...
so..this is plagiarism video that I have mentioned..

ini pulak video original daripada TVXQ yg bertajuk " keep your head down"
this is the original video by TVXQ-'Keep your head down'

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