Sunday, August 26, 2012

we have been engaged!!

Alhamdulillah... my engagement's ceremony was succeed... that was the surprise that I've told you on my past post...what I want to say... I really love him... so much... and really hope our relationship will last forever (married) Thanks everyone who prayed for us... I have uploaded some teasers photos for you to see.. more photos will be upload on the next post...

honestly.. I love this dress so much!!!

my engagement makeup was done by myself

this engagement ceremony was not complete 
without 'wearing engagement ring' 
done by future mother-in-law

me and my fiance have been formally "engaged"

picture with my family and future mother-in-law

picture with future future sister-in-law


Sunday, August 19, 2012

Happy Eid ul-Fitr everyone!!

just saying...  Happy Eid ul-Fitr to all muslim over the world...I will update this blog soon..

Ku Nur Hanis

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Petua Imam Ghazali Mencari Lailatul Qadar

Petua Imam Ghazali Mencari Lailatul Qadar. Dalam mengerjakan ibadat dalam bulan ramadhan, sudah tentunya kita akan sentiasa tertunggu-tunggu 10 malam yang terakhir. Itulah malam yang mana ia berlaku pada satu malam daripada 10 malam terakhir iaitu hari ganjil bulan ramadhan. Adakah malam lailatul qadar ini jatuh pada 21, 23, 25, 27 atau 29 ramadhan tahun ini? Hanya orang yang berusaha sahaja akan merasai nikmat beribadat di malam lailatul qadar. Terdapat petua oleh Imam Ghazali dan lain-lain ulama untuk cari mencari malam Lailatul Qadar.

Jika awal ramadhan jatuh pada hari:

I) Ahad atau rabu malam qadar dijangka berlaku pada malam 29 ramadhan
II) Isnin – malam qadar dijangka berlaku pada malam 21 ramadhan;
III) Selasa atau jumaat – malam qadar dijangka berlaku pada malam 27 ramadhan;
IV) Khamis- malam qadar dijangka berlaku pada malam 25 ramadhan;
V) Sabtu- malam qadar dijangka berlaku pada malam 23 ramadhan

Kata sheikh abu hassan bahawa mula dia baligh, dia sentiasa dapat menghidupkan lailatul qadar pada malam yang tepat mengikut petua diatas. Walau bagaimanapun, janganlah ibadat pada malam ini sahaja, carilah malam qadar pada malam-malam ganjil yang lain juga.
Tanda malam qadar ialah :
Malam itu tenang, tidak dingin dan tidak panas;
Siangnya cahaya matahari warnanya pucat;
Pada malam itu malaikat jibril akan menyalami orang yang beribadat pada malam itu dan tandanya ialah kita tiba-tiba rasa sangat sayu dan kemudiannya menangis teresak-esak secara tiba-tiba.

- Sumber MelayuKini

Friday, August 10, 2012

10.8.2012-hint to a 'special day'

Assalammualaikum and Hello...

Today is a historical day ... what  happened?.. be patient.. I will keep this 'secret' for awhile.. but.. I will give you some 'hints' so that you can guess what is happening now.... last two days, me and my sister was busy to clean, painting our house and did some preparation for our 'special guests' that came to visit us... yeah... and Alhamdulillah... the date was set.. and... now we need to do some preparation for the 'special day'... what special day?? ... It's a surprise..

p/s: we have 1 week only to do a preparation for Eid Aidil Fitri... I think I want to do a cover song for the Eid Aidil Fitri... I just planning on it.... If I have some time.. InSya Allah.. I will do a cover song for Eid Aidil Fitri... =)... and Muslim.. don't forget... Lailatulqadar day is near to us... raise your 'faith'.. you will get rewards from Allah... InSyaAllah

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

30 Perkara Perempuan Tak Sempat Cakap Pada Lelaki(Lelaki MESTI baca ni!)

1. Bila sorang wanita mengatakan dia sedang bersedih,tetapi dia tidak menitiskan airmata,itu bermakna dia sedang menangis di dalam hatinya.

2. Bila dia tidak menghiraukan kamu selepas kamu menyakiti hatinya, lebih baik kamu beri dia masa untuk menenangkan hatinya semula sebelum kamu menegur dengan ucapan maaf.

3. Wanita sukar nak cari benda yang dia benci tentang orang yang paling dia sayang (sebab itu ramai wanita yang patah hati bila hubungan itu putus di tengah jalan).

4. Sekiranya sorang wanita jatuh cinta dengan sorang lelaki, lelaki itu akan sentiasa ada di fikirannya walaupun ketika dia sedang keluar dengan lelaki lain.

5. Bila lelaki yang dia suka dan cinta merenung tajam ke dalam matanya, dia akan cair seperti coklat!!

6. Wanita memang sukakan pujian tetapi selalu tidak tau macam mana nak menerima pujian.

7. Jika kamu tidak suka dengan gadis yang sukakan kamu separuh mati,tolak cintanya dengan lembut,jangan berkasar sebab ada satu semangat dalam diriwanita yang kamu tak akan tahu bila dia dah buat keputusan,dia akanlakukan apa saja.

8. Sekiranya sorang gadis mula menjauhkan diri darimu selepas kamu tolak cintanya,biarkan dia untuk seketika.Sekiranya kamu masih ingin menganggap dia sorang kawan,cubalah tegur dia perlahan-lahan.

9. Wanita suka meluahkan apa yang mereka rasa.Muzik,puisi,lukisan dan tulisan adalah cara termudah mereka meluahkan isi hati mereka.

10. Jangan sesekali beritahu perempuan yang mereka ni lansung tak berguna.

11. Bersikap terlalu serius boleh mematikan mood wanita.

12. Bila pertama kali lelaki yang dicintainya dalam diam memberikan respon positif,misalnya menghubunginya melalui telefon,si gadis akan bersikap acuh tak acuh seolah-olah tidak berminat,tetapi sebaik saja ganggang diletakkan,dia akan menjerit kesukaan dan tak sampai sepuluh minit,semua rakan-rakannya akan tahu berita tersebut.

13. Sekuntum senyuman memberi seribu erti bagi wanita.Jadi jangan senyum sebarangan.

14. Jika kamu menyukai sorang wanita,cubalah mulakan dengan persahabatan.Kemudian biarkan dia mengenalimu dengan lebih mendalam.

15. Jika sorang wanita memberi seribu satu alasan setiap kali kamu ajak keluar,tinggalkan dia sebab dia memang tak berminat denganmu.

16. Tetapi jika dalam masa yang sama dia menghubungimu atau menunggu panggilan darimu,teruskan usahamu untuk memikatnya.

17. Jangan sesekali mengagak apa yang dirasakannya.Tanya dia sendiri!!

18. Selepas sorang gadis jatuh cinta,dia akan sering tertanya-tanya kenapalah aku tak jumpa lelaki ini lebih awal.

19. Kalau kamu masih tercari-cari cara yang paling romantik untuk memikat hati sorang gadis,cubalah rajin-rajinkan tangan menyelak buku-buku cinta.

20. Bila setiap kali gambar kelas keluar,benda pertama yang dicari oleh wanita ialah siapa yang berdiri di sebelah buah hatinya,kemudian barulah dirinya sendiri.

21. Bekas teman lelaki akan sentiasa ada di fikirannya tetapi lelaki yang dicintainya sekarang akan berada di tempat teristimewa iaitu di hatinya!!

22. Satu ucapan ‘Hi’ sahaja sudah cukup menceriakan harinya.

23. Teman baiknya saja yang tahu apa yang sedang dia rasa dan lalui.

24. Wanita paling benci lelaki yang berbaik-baik dengan mereka semata-mata nak tackle kawan mereka yang paling cantik.

25. Cinta bermaksud kesetiaan, ambil berat, jujur dan kebahagiaan tanpa sebarang kompromi.

26. Semua wanita mahukan sorang lelaki yang cintakan mereka sepenuh hati..

27. Senjata wanita adalah airmata!!

28. Wanita suka jika sesekali orang yang disayanginya mengadakan surprise buatnya(hadiah,bunga atau sekadar kad ucapan romantis).Mereka akan rasa terharu dan merasakan bahawa dirinya dicintai setulus hati.Dengan i! ni dia tak akan ragu-ragu terhadapmu.

29. Wanita mudah jatuh hati pada lelaki yang ambil berat tentang mereka dan baik terhadapnya.So,kalau nak memikat wanita pandai-pandailah…

30. Sebenarnya mudah mengambil hati wanita kerana apa yang dia mahu hanyalah perasaan dicintai dan disayangi sepenuh jiwa.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Thanks to Prime Minister of Malaysia...♥♥♥

Assalammualaikum... and hello

Today.. our beloved  Prime Minister, Dato' Seri Najib Tun Razak has posted an articel about Malaysia's economy growth... What I can say is.. This Prime Minister is really different than others Prime Minister because he gave the best service to the citizen of Malaysia.... What we ask for more from him?? as a citizen of Malaysia... we should feel thankful because we live in peaceful country and harmony.. furthermore.. our country's economy growth well... I can say that I love my country.. thanks to Prime Minister for make Malaysia dreams came true! =)

Note: below here is an article of Prime Minister of Malaysia 7 August 2012

Welcome to Kuala Lumpur, the IPO town … where bankers are enjoying a boom of breath taking proportions." This is how one journalist described the recent initial public offerings of Felda Global Ventures Holdings and IHH Healthcare on the Kuala Lumpur stock exchange, in the world's second- and third-biggest listings this year.

Equating Kuala Lumpur with major financial centres such as Hong Kong or Singapore, as some reporters have done in recent weeks, is perhaps indicative of the hype that tends to surround major stock market listings. But the Kuala Lumpur stock exchange is gaining in strength; it hit a record high in July. By bucking the gloomy global trend, it also mirrors the wider Malaysian economy.

In the first quarter of this year, the Malaysian economy clipped along at a respectable 4.7per cent, even as our main export markets in Europe languished in recession, and important trading partners such as China and India came off the boil. Malaysia's debt levels remain at a manageable 53.6per cent of gross domestic product, while our unemployment rate stands at 3per cent. Per capita income has increased from US$6,700 in 2009 to US$9,700 at the end of last year. British Prime Minister David Cameron recently referred to Malaysia as a "powerhouse of the modern global economy".

As Malaysia's prime minister, it would be tempting, but wrong, to claim the credit for this economic success. The real praise must go to the brilliance of our entrepreneurs, the enthusiasm of our young, plugged-in graduates, and of course the dedication and hard work of the hundreds of thousands of Malaysians who work in core industries such as plantations, services and manufacturing. That being said, the government's steady economic stewardship, and in particular our Economic Transformation Programme, has provided a sound basis for our country's economic resilience.

Malaysia never embraced the unregulated, instant-gratification capitalism that has proved catastrophic to some economies since the global financial crisis. Instead, we focused on ensuring stability and making considered, iterative reforms that accrue long-term dividends. We have liberalised services sectors, focused investment in key growth industries and divested state ownership in well-established companies. Felda Global and IHH Healthcare are cases in point. For many years, the government owned majority holdings in these fledgling companies, shielding them to some extent from the vagaries of the market until they were mature enough to fly the nest. Felda Global is now the world's third-largest palm oil company by acreage, while IHH Healthcare is Asia's biggest hospital operator.

The government continues to support emerging industries that will power the Malaysian - and the global - economy in the decades to come. For example, we aim to grow our information, communication and technology sector to provide 17per cent of national income by 2020; and we are supporting low-carbon technologies, such as solar modules, super-efficient LED lighting and hybrid and electric cars. Our tourism and high-end manufacturing sectors are already global leaders; while Malaysia is the world's front runner in Islamic finance.

Last Monday, I cut the ribbon on the Tun Razak Exchange, Kuala Lumpur's new international financial district. The exchange aims to attract 250 companies, create 500,000 new jobs and generate over US$8billion in development value. Our aim is to transform Kuala Lumpur into a global financial centre.

The value of the Islamic finance sector, for example, was just US$5billion in 1985 but is over US$1trillion today. Malaysia accounts for some 40per cent of this trade and we plan to triple the value of this sector over the next decade. Growth areas such as these will ensure that we are well positioned to lead tomorrow's global economy and achieve our ambition of reaching developed country status by 2020.

In Malaysia, however, we avoid equating development purely with economic growth. An open and dynamic economy requires equally vibrant and competitive politics. For Malaysia's long-term stability and success, our political system must evolve and mature alongside our economy. For these reasons, the government has in the past few months implemented a raft of reforms aimed at strengthening and deepening our democracy.

These reforms include ending Malaysia's decades-old state of emergency; repealing the Internal Security Act - that permitted detention without trial - with legislation that allows police to detain terrorist suspects for up to 28 days, and only for the purpose of active investigation; introducing legislation to liberalise the media; widening the scope for student participation in politics; and, most recently, repealing the much maligned Sedition Act, which dated back to colonial times.

I believe that the Malaysian approach - a steady, nurturing form of capitalism, with economic and political reforms going hand in hand - can continue to bring success. And I hope that the Kuala Lumpur bourse, like our economy, will continue to experience more of the Malaysian boom, and less of global gloom, in the months and years ahead.

Monday, August 6, 2012

breaking of the fast today with my ♥

Assalammualaikum and hello

today is 17 days Muslim being fasting in Ramadan Al-Mubarak.. and we (me and my lover) were decided to breaking of the fast together... after awhile we're not spent time together... and today we're met... so.. we breaking of the fast at 'Gemilang Burger's Restaurant'.. the restaurant's main food is western food.. so.. my lover ask for 'grilled chicken' for his menu of today.. and I ask for 'chicken chop with rice'.. I forgot to take some pictures... what I can say here is.. the chicken chop was not so delicious.. I can give 3 stars for the food.. not really tasty.. overall.. I am so happy because I can spent time together with him... Thanks Allah...
see u in my next blog!!

love ♥

ku nur hanis

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Test from Allah

Assalammualaikum and hello everyone ~

Apa yang boleh saya bagi tahu adalah... minggu ini amat sukar bagi saya... yeah... seperti apa yang saya lakukan semuanya tidak kena... apa yang telah dirancang semuanya mencelarukan.. saya tahu ini adalah ujian dari Allah S.W.T... sebagai hamba Allah S.W.T..Saya perlu menerima semua ini dengan redha dan berdoa agar Allah mempermudahkan segala-galanya...(in sya Allah)... saya mahu berterima kasih kepada keluarga saya dan kekasih saya yang selalu memberi semangat dan banyak membantu saya ketika saya memerlukan... mereka amat memahami saya.. untuk pengetahuan anda.. saya seorang yang susah difahami...tapi mereka.. amat memahami saya...dalam apa jua keadaan... Ia seperti semangat baru apabila mereka bersama dengan saya...itu sahaja yang saya ingin katakan... saya tidak boleh memberitahu anda semua apa yang telah kami rancang sekarang.. pastinya.. anda akan tahu juga tidak lama lagi (in sya Allah)...

sehingga ketemu lagi!!(in sya Allah)
dan tolong doakan agar Allah mempermudahkan segala urusan kami ya??

so I have to say here that....this week was really tough..yeah..It's likes all goes wrong..what have been planned became messed up..I know this is a test from Allah...
yeah.. as a servant of Allah.. I need to accept it and need to pray so that what have been planned become success..(in sya Allah)
I just want to say thank you to my family and my lover.. they always make me cheer.. people hard to understand me.. 
because I am difficult to understand.. but 'they'(my family and my lover) really understand me in whatever conditions.. It's like 
a new spirit when they are with me.. that is all I can say.. I cannot tell you what we're planning now.. soon (In sya Allah) you will find it out yourself..

see you again!!..
and please pray for me ( so that what we're planning now become success)...

Love ya!!

Ku Nur Hanis